Simple as Sylvester Richards is; my late father’s first and middle name who passed April of 2018. Sylvester Richards was no dad of the year and he probably would never have won an award for being a great parent either. However, Sir Richards lived life to the fullest and was unapologetic about who he was. Although I may not have always agreed with some of his ways or habits; I could respect a man who lived life on his own terms. Sir Richards was bold, witty & carefree with a ton of one liners that seems to put things in perspective when you were in an unpleasant mood over something you had no control over. 

“C.D.C.” (rule); Choices | Decisions | Consequences


Sylvester Richards, term that has become all too familiar among out family. He would use this acronym as a means to let us know that in this life we have CHOICES but ultimately, it’s the DECISIONS  we make that will yield us the CONSEQUENCES or outcome that we would have to live with (Good or Bad). Sylvester Richards drank the spirits, smoked cigarettes and would almost always find a way to recite this one particular toast that starts off with « THE BREEZE MAY KISS THE TREES ON HIGH…. »(Smiling and laughing as I’m writing it)

Those who have had the pleasure of interacting with me have more likely than not, heard this line and may know the end of the toast . That tag line resonates so profoundly in me. 

To me, it means “Transitioning”

– The BREEZE symbolizes motion or movement.  

– The TREES symbolizes our current state or situation. 

– ON HIGH symbolizes elevation. 

As the wind blows through the trees, the leaves that are removed by the wind at the highest point of the tree. Those leaves tend to land further away than the leaves 

 that get blown by the wind at a lower point on the tree.


In this life we are always growing, moving or transitioning from one point to another. I believe the higher we elevate our mind, spirit and or surroundings, the greater the growth or transition from our current state to the next, so to speak. 

Overall, one of the key things that I took from the time spent with him was that you have one life to live, so live it your way and be unapologetic about it. 

(Frank Sinatra – My Way plays in my head) 

The Sylvester Richards brand is a bold new innovative brand that was created by and for the true cigar enthusiasts at heart. 

Sylvester Richards is rough but classy, elegant and deliberately proud to be just that! With that being said; for those reason we do NOT  consider the Sylvester Richards brand for the High End, High Class but “EXCLUSIVE”!